Losy SAABa , part VI

W związku z nową ofertą Spykera na kupno SAABa, złożoną GM,  możecie wysłać Apel do GM.
O apel prosi http://www.Saabunited.com, obecnie najsilniejszy, najlepiej poinformowany  blog  Saabowy. Saabunited oraz ludzie wokół – czyli również my – są zaangażowani w akcję ratowania SAABa.  Blog jest tak wiarygodny, ze agencje Światowe powołują się na info z tej strony a nie na depesze agencyjne.

Maile można wysyłać na poniższe adresy:

1. Ed Whitacre, the Chairman and CEO of GM

2. The President of the United States
Mr. Barack Obama :
do Obamy:

3. Do Fredrika Reinfeldta wysyłajcie via ten formularz:

z tej strony można wysłać oficjalny mail do Fredrika Reinfeldta.Wszystkie maile z tego formularza są OFICJALNIE rejestrowane i wymagają odpowiedzi.
Ärende : Rädda Saab ( dotyczy: Ratuj Saaba)
Meddelande : (Wiadomość)
można wpisać coś tych wzorów podanych poniżej: zastępując MR. W.  tytułem: Mr.  Fredrik  Reinfeldt lub napisać coś po swojemu.

Ditt namn : nazwisko
Din e-postaddress: Twój adres e-mail.


Dear Mr. Whitacre ( Dear mozecie opuscic laughing  )

Saab is „my ” car brand. And I  still belive in this brand.
I am writing to you as a Saab enthusiast and customer in the hope that you will give full consideration to new offers received this weekend for the sale of Saab Automobile.

Saab have new vehicles on the verge of being released, they have an excellent management team, an award-winning efficient factory and they have a passionate worldwide following that want to see them continue as a viable company.

Saab have always made engaging, safe, practical, utilitarian vehicles that customers connect with like few others on the road. I submit to you that if a viable offer has been received by GM that can allow Saab to continue to do this, then that offer should be considered very seriously.

I thank you for your time and consideration of this matter.

xxx  – Saab -owner from Poland, actually I own  2 Saabs

LUB jak niżej, po modyfikacjach:


I have been a loyal Saab customer for more than twenty years and an aficionado for even longer.
It now seems that you still have some opportunities to save Saab, rather than scrap it and it’s long
and distinguished heritage. I’d just like to both request and implore you to do so.

Compliments of the Season and please make it a joyous Christmas for Saab employees too.

Best Regards,

LUB jak niżej, po modyfikacjach:

Mr Whitacre,

I thank you for taking the time to read the letters by myself and the thousands of fellow Saab enthusiasts pertaining to the future of Saab. I think, in my humble opinion that now is the time to act and take this new bid by Spyker seriously. I think it is in all involved companies interests to finalize this deal and move on. This is still something that could remain profitable for you in the near future and would certainly be positive PR to help save a car company with the dissolution of several other iconic brands formerly in your stable. I thank you again for your time and hope you will consider this as a more positive outcome for all involved.

LUB jak niżej, po modyfikacjach:

Mr Whitacre,

I thank you for taking the time to read the letters by myself and the thousands of fellow Saab enthusiasts pertaining to the future of Saab. I think, in my humble opinion that now is the time to act and take this new bid by Spyker seriously. I think it is in all involved companies interests to finalize this deal and move on. This is still something that could remain profitable for you in the near future and would certainly be positive PR to help save a car company with the dissolution of several other iconic brands formerly in your stable. I thank you again for your time and hope you will consider this as a more positive outcome for all involved.


Dear Mr. Whitacre,

in the times of globalization it is difficult to find something which distinguishes itself with style and appearance. Saab brand is definitely one of those things. It is hard to define the reasons behind the attractiveness and attachment it creates, that is why I am asking you to take into consideration the new proposed offer of Spyker and perhaps allow the brand to move on with its exciting new products than winding it down.

Thank you for your time,


Mr Whitacre,

I am one of the several million Saab enthusiasts that got their world turned upside down this Friday. I am writing this e-mail because of my passion for Saab and asking for you an GM to really evaluate the new offers received this weekend and the following days for the sale of Saab Automobile.

The new 9-5 and 9-4x is just around the corner and after seeing it and feeling it I will just have to trade in my recently purchased BMW 3-series for it, if you give the new buyers the chance they disserve to complete the purchase of Saab.

Saab has always been a car that made people passionate about their cars, and with the new cars to come there will be more people that will look at Saab and see their value.

Thank you for taking your time reading the e-mail consider the sale of Saab Automobile.



„We have one chance only to put across our point of view as Saab owners and enthusiasts. Saab have a business plan, new vehicles and an efficient factory to produce them. They have a passionate base of supporters and the right cars to win new customers to the brand.

The time is now.

The email address for Ed Whitacre, the Chairman and CEO of GM is


If you care about the future of Saab then I invite you to write a brief, polite and passionate message to Mr Whitacre, outlining why you think Saab should be sold, rather than closed.

I can’t emphasise this enough: make your message passionate, but polite. A passionate message that clearly states a point of view will be read and considered. An angry message will only find its way into the trash.

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